Therapy - Fun Cycle Project Cerebral Palsy, Spina Bifida, Down Syndrome, Blind, and Visually Impaired OUR MISSION
To provide Pure Joy, Fun , Recreation and Therapeutic Value for the millions of special needs children and adults, regardless of their financial ability to pay, with a business model that will perpetuate our mission.

By Lynn Beck ~

Kids like to play. It's part and parcel of being a child, a privilege of youth. For some children, however, many forms of play can be difficult, if not impossible, activities. The handful of kids assembled at Tuesday night's meeting of the Evening Lions Club are just such children — children whose special needs make the simple act of play an often difficult task. With physical limitations ranging from poor balance and unsteady gait to complete inability to walk, these kids are not able to enjoy many activities that other children take for granted. With the help of the Evening Lions, however, bicycle riding is no longer an impossibility for them. Brandon Bunton, Taylor Chapman, Justin Fuentes, Ermalinda Gallo, Matt Stephens, and Cody Wilson were each presented a special "Therapy - Fun Cycles" —each one custom built for specific individual needs. These lucky kids are the first on a long list of area children with special needs that the Evening Lions Club and Therapy - Fun Cycles hope to help. For individuals with cerebral palsy, Down's syndrome, visual impairments, mental retardation, spina bifida, orthopedic handicaps, and paralysis, the Therapy - Fun Cycles is an answer to a prayer.


Therapy - Fun Cycle Project Story

Joe Tarver, along with his wife, Nona and their son, Brad, began manufacturing the unusual cycles in their garage some 15 years ago. A unique, patented handlebar mechanism allows a rider to power the cycle with forward and backward "rocking" of the handlebars. This is the key to the cycle's significance, and its success.


The design allows individuals with a variety of special physical needs to participate in the simple activity of "riding a bike." The special handlebars, and in some cases, the combination of handlebar power and foot pedal power, allow the rider to get valuable therapeutic exercise while having fun. Although the average manufacturing cost of one of the special cycles is about $1,795 (depending on the specifications and man-hours involved),   the   actual   value   soars   to  an  estimated  $40,000  when

therapy value is taken into consideration. In addition to mobility for the rider the cycle provides a cardiovascular workout, strengthens hand grip, and provides exercise for muscle groups used to power the cycle. At a minimum, arms, shoulders, back, and stomach muscles get a workout. In cycles with pedals, the calves, thighs, and hip flexor muscles can be exercised as well. The effect is overall strengthening and development of muscle as well as motor skills. Add to all that the benefits of fresh air, sunshine, and socialization with other children, and the cycle's value becomes immeasurable. Special adaptive specifications include custom seating, arm rests, lap and chest belts, foot and heel straps, foot rests, and pedal modifications. Every cycle is custom-made for the needs of the individual rider with models available for children, youth, and adults. The children's cycles are built to grow with the child, and are adjustable at the seat, pedals and handlebars. Today Therapy - Fun Cycles are shipped all over the United States. Therapy - Fun Cycles can be found in Asia, Africa, Europe, Canada, and South America.


The Evening Lions Step In

Lamesa Lions member Vicki Lanham says the club's involvement began when she heard about the special cycles through connections with a Midland Lions Club.


After learning about the many benefits the cycles offer for children with special needs, and finding out just how many children in Dawson County could benefit from such a cycle, Lanham and her fellow Evening Lions jumped at the chance to get involved. In addition to the six local children who received cycles this week, an additional six youngsters will be receiving cycles between now and Christmas, Lanham says.


"There are so many children in Dawson County who could benefit from something like this," she says. "We just need to find out who and where they are." Lanham is working with area school districts and other organizations to identify potential candidates for Therapy - Fun Cycles.





the hand & foot model

Ages 5 to Adult

• Especially effective for those with Cerebral Palsy, Downs Syndrome, Mental Retardation

or Low Muscle Tone.

• Great Cardiovascular Exercise

the centipede


• Excellent for the blind child/adult, or those with low muscle tone.  Good motor skill training for those with cerebral palsy, etc.!

• Great way to ride together combining the abilities and strength of two riders.

afterburner wheelchair pusher

• Attaches to any mechanical Wheelchair.

• Provides outdoor pleasure and Fun for riders of both the wheelchair and the Afterburner.

• Eliminates the need to transfer out of the everyday wheelchair.

• Low gear ratio makes it easy for anyone to operate.



• Provides Fun Outdoor Activity for

Wheelchair-bound loved ones

• Low-gear ratio is easy for anyone to operate

• Excellent for Blind, visually impaired, Autism,

low muscle tone, and mentally challenged.



• Excellent for those with spina bifida or paraplegics

• For ages 5 through adult

• Great cardiovascular exercise

adult 3 wheeler foot powered

Easy - No Balance Required

• Great for anyone 4 foot or more.

• Available with Backrest

• Low gear makes it very easy to ride.


Every day in the United States there are more than 1000 babies born with disabilities.

Nearly 40 million Americans live with a disability, all 40 million should be on cycles.

Call us at (806) 748-4925

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